It was surprising to see that 6 weeks have past since the last post, but here's a little catch up of those weeks. I transformed my new toy to a new coller
There was Jeff's and Kylles wedding and reception that all the family was here except for Sujn which we missed a lot, but was nice to have everyone else here for a while. I know not the best picture sorry.
Hours of decorating ( which none was by me )
Michael's blessing, then a fast trip to Utah for a second reception, where we were able to visit with some old friends and meet Kylie's family.
Then some of us stayed in Logan ( done a drive thru at Wendy's for late night treat then attended the Beck reunion.
Then found that our old computer died so we got a new one and finally got set up. It has been a very busy and fast 6 weeks but was so good to see and visit with everyone.
14 years ago
It was so great to be able to be home and visit everyone and be a part of all the fun festivities. Summer went by way too quick and we miss california and our family lots!