Friday, August 19, 2011

Happy Birthday

 Sorry about being a couple days late. Here I am at one month with my brother, Jordan
 My first attempt at modeling at 6 months.
 Then my frist birtday
Here I am at 3 years holding my new sister Marie (Jordan just had to try and steal the spotlight)
 At 5 years old
 At six years old
 My 9th birthday
 16 years old playing AYSO
 Swinging around at Bloomington Lake
 Modeling my winter or Utah wardrobe
Christmas, 2010.  Happy Birthday, Marci!!


  1. Is she feeding in the last picture?? My favorite is the one swing over Bloomington Lake, you can hardly tell there is a lake. Jordan

  2. Great pics! We love you Marci! Happy birthday! :)

  3. I have been trying to comment ever since it went up but have not been able too. Lame. But thanks for the shout out.
    NO Jordan I am not nursing!! But I was thinking we have to start taking individual photos on Christmas day again so I can have a decent recent photo next year.
