Monday, May 31, 2010

The Unbelievable

On Friday afternoon Mom and I rode bikes to Hueneme Pier. (I know you all think that I hauled mine there.)

But we did ride; Mom had to keep stopping to wait for me.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Happy Birthday

Here I am at three days old (and man, the house was already full)

Here I'm at three and I finally got use to all these siblings around all the time.

Loved this game ('til they took the tee away)

Eight years old and hanging around at the Grand Canyon.

Ten years old and finally some "me" time (ain't I the cutest)


Here I am at twelve years old.

No one could stop me when I was in my zone.

I was given a surprise sixteenth birthday party by my friends. (I didn't think I knew this many people.)

My graduation: I was the top of my class (and man, I'm going to miss this school.)

My BYU basketball sqaud.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

What's your guess??

I put up the strings for the green beans to climb on the 20th of May. What's your guess when the first one reaches the top?

New Treasures

Last month, while we were at the Tractor Show, we picked up a couple new treasures: 2 crocks, a butter churn, a wooden tape measure,a wooden barrel and a hand pump.
So the girls had to give it a try while they were here; never did get the bucket full!!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Hunt

Over the past three weeks we've had a few different people after my strawberries; first there was Marie, then the following week there was Jaime when she and Jason were here. (My bad, I didn't get a picture of them.) Then this week there was Ammon and Britain; they even were able to find some blackberries.

Then they moved to the strawberries in the backyard.

Then the front yard.

But the best part is, I believe, was that everyone enjoyed the berries, whether they ate them straight from the plant, or washed, in strawberry shortcake, dipped in sour cream and then brown sugar, or dipped in chocolate. (It was good to have the visitors.)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The fruit of our labors

So last year we planted some fruit trees. In Dec. when the kids were here we picked the first grapefruit.

And eat it. (Umm good!)

Later we picked five more and enjoyed. (That was only $4.00 a grapefruit.)

Then on April first we enjoyed the first sweet Pixie Mandarin.

With two more to yet enjoy (that's about $6.50 each); was good to enjoy the fresh fruit.

The Latest Addition

When we lived in Idaho there was a flower that always grew by the picket fence that Mom liked; it was a columbine.

So for the first time I saw them at H.D. so I got a couple and put them in front of the door; will see how they do.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Happy Birthday, Jason

He entered the world with an eye on things!

Come on. There's got to be somthing good hidden in this sand!
Oxnard Beach at one year old.


Reading the comics put him to sleep.

We just won the JR 2s Super Bowl in Fillmore. (I'm the coolest.)


My days at Hueneme High School (14 years old)

Yes, I graduated; now enough with the pictures. I have some CANDY to eat.

He was king of the mountain at College of the Canyons

Playing at BYU aganist Utah State. (I can't believe his tongue isn't sticking out.)

Then he found the best thing ever: the love of his life.