Friday, July 10, 2009

The Garden Up-date

I put the picture of the Fiesta Salsa in backwards; this is the end results of the bottom picture. (My bad.)
One of the challenges of gardening in California is you can get surprise plants that just show up. This year I got one volunteer that came up in the middle of my beans. The plant's leaves had mold and in the way so I finally took it out today. We have these 10 squash, gourds or whatever they they might be.

Mother has been busy this week canning beans, relish, and blackberry jam. So today we got our biggest picking of tomatoes so she picked peppers and cucumbers to make salsa. (Not bad for the first harvest.)


  1. Those volunteers are so random. That's funny. I'm excited to come home to fresh salsa and so many delicious home grown veggies.

  2. So jealous. Hopefully mine will turn out ok.

  3. I just started to get some blossoms on my cucumber plants, so hopefully cucumbers will follow soon. Its a good thing you keep mom so busy.
